
Legend for map

  • Hospital/ Asylum
  • Pharmacy/ Chemist's shop
  • Library/ Museum
  • Coffee house/ Restaurant
  • Shop/ Shopping centre
  • Parent Counselling Service
  • other


App-Store (iOS as of Version 8)

Google-Play (Android as of Version 2)


The web application can be opened and installed using Safari (internetbrowser). Using the arrow menu below in the middle and the command „to home screen” an icon will be installed. Thus mamamap can be opened like a „normal“ app.

Using Android, first you have to install a bookmark, for which you can then create a short-cut on the home screen. To do that you open the following URL in the web browser:

This website uses up-to-date web techniques (Webfonts, CSS3, HTML5). It has been tested on the following browsers: Firefox as of version 5.0, Safari as of version 4.0, Chrome as of version 9.0, Internet Explorer as of version 9.0.